The Auditory Modeling Toolbox

Applies to version: 0.10.0

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FILTERBANKZ - Filter bank with zero boundary condition



filterbankz(b,a,insig,hopsize) filters the input signal with the filters described in a and b. hopsize is a vector with a length equal to the number of filters. Each channel is sub-sampled by the corresponding hopsize.

If a and b are matrices then each row corresponds to a subband channel.

If insig is a matrix then filtering is applied along the columns.

The output coefficients are stored a cell array. More precisely, the n'th cell of c, c{m}, is a 2D matrix of size \(M(n) \times W\) and containing the output from the m'th channel subsampled at a rate of \(a(m)\). c{m}(n,l) is thus the value of the coefficient for time index n, frequency index m and signal channel l.