The Auditory Modeling Toolbox

Applies to version: 0.10.0

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BAUMGARTNER2020_MAPPING - externalization mapping function of baumgartner2020 model


E = baumgartner2020_mapping(d,S_cue,Erange,Eoffset)

Input parameters

d deviation metric
S_cue cue-specific sensitivity parameter (inverse slope)
Erange range of rating scale
Eoffset scale offset

Output parameters

E externalization score within rating scale


baumgartner2020_mapping(...) represents a sigmoidal mapping function scaled by?Erange, shifted by?Eoffset, and slope-controlled by S_cue used to map deviation metrics?to externalization ratings within the baumgartner2020 model.

baumgartner2020_mapping accepts the following flags:

'single' Single-sided externalization ratings with respect to reference sound. This is the default.
'two' Two-sided externalization ratings.