The accompanying technical report, available under, details the measurement and post processing procedure. Three versions of the measurements are made available: -*HRTF_raw contains* the uninterpolated measurement data. The coordinates for each direction are taken at the beginning of the measurement signal. As the measurement loudspeaker move while it sweeps through the frequency range, this introduces a spatial error that increases with frequency -*HRTF_perFrequencyInterpolation* tries to compensate the spatial error. For each frequency bin, the actual loudspeaker position was calculated and the HRTF information was interpolated at the same positions as in HRTF_raw using linear interpolation. -*HRTF_5DegInterpolation* applies the same interpolation scheme based on the same raw data, this time evaluating the HRTF at an equiangular 5-degree sampling in azimuth. --- A compatible software/API is required to open then files: .sofa (Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics) Go to for various APIs .ita - Download and install the ITA-Toolbox for Matlab from - Use ita_read(filename.ita) to open a file or - Drag and drop the file into the command window, once the toolbox was installed succesfully